• Question: Did you make the computer program yourself or do many people already use it?

    Asked by mommy123 to Edd on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Edward Codling

      Edward Codling answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi mommy123

      Most of the computer simulations I use are ones I have programmed myself. However, I use what is known as an ‘open-source’ language which means that I can see all the code from other people’s simulations as well. I often borrow bits of their code or use my earlier simulations to make a new one. It is very rare that I start right from the beginning and write a whole simulation from scratch.

      Some of my simulations have been used by other people. A few years ago I set up a computer program that allowed us to predict the effect of different types of fisheries management on different real fisheries around Europe. Scientists who are involved with advising the EU on fish stocks sometimes use my simulation to help them make assessments!
