• Question: does your trust in science affect your religious views

    Asked by johnfraser to Jess on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jessica Chu

      Jessica Chu answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Good question john fraser!

      Well I have seen different kind of scientists -the religious scientists see their work as a way of finding out how God has created the universe.
      Non-religious ones like Richard Dawkins agrees with the Evolution theory! But in a way science is his religion – but not what it usually means – a creator etc.
      Other scientists can sit in-between these two views.
      I do think some of Dawkins stuff makes sense even though he come across quite arrogant.. 😛 Maybe some people can’t comprehend how evolution happened from a single organism and try to put a figure or something responsible for the wonderful world we live in now?
      I think for me.. it’s not just about the science that affect my religious views- it is what I see happening around us.
      People suffering and dying from all sorts of diseases, war crimes, violence – is that part of a big plan? If it is.. is it fair.. or a purpose for it? I find that most religious people will answer it is part of God’s plan.
      Whereas scientists might just think about the causes for it etc. and try to cure it. Of course there are religious charities that will help raise money so work can be done to help those people.

      Personally, I am more towards the non-religious views not because of my trust in science.
      Scientific theories can be disproved by new theories (by testing things out) as time goes on so I think that is good because it means our mind’s are open to challenges and ideas and not stuck in a set way of living.
      Even though religion are teaching good things and morals, which I think it is good- I find that it is better for somebody to do good things because they want/choose to rather than because they have been told to do good from religious texts otherwise they will go to hell.

      Oops think I am not focussing on the question… but I think there might be a God out there but I think it is not like the ones we have heard of… maybe like a big energy thing?
