• Question: If you could cure any disease what would it be?

    Asked by samueleason to Nicolas on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Nicolas Biber

      Nicolas Biber answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      That’s a very difficult question. There are so many diseases that cause so much suffering all over the world like malaria or AIDS. Many of these diseases can be prevented with the proper means though, so rather than at a cure I would look at sufficient prevention for them.
      There are diseases that can be prevented. One of them is cancer (there are so many forms of cancer). Another one is autoimmune diseases. Again there are so many autoimmune diseases, rheumatism is one, multiple sclerosis is another one. Autoimmune diseases happen because you own body’s defense turns against you. The cells in you body that should be fighting off parasite, diseases start attacking your own cells. Both cancer and autoimmune cannot be prevented, they are preconditions, and we still struggle finding proper cures for both of them. I am not sure which one is more common or which one causes more suffering, but if I could pick, I would pick the one that causes the most suffering.
