• Question: If you could do 1 thing to save the world... what would it be?

    Asked by maddiie144 to Christine, Edd, Jess, Nicolas, Zara on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Christine Switzer

      Christine Switzer answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Hi maddiie144,
      Sadly, just one thing isn’t enough but maybe if enough of us can do just one thing, we can make a difference. If my work can get rid of soil and groundwater pollutants, people and the environment will be healthier for it. Jess will have less work to do in terms of curing cancers. Nicolas will find fewer plastics in the marine environment. And so on. What would your one thing be?


    • Photo: Zara Gladman

      Zara Gladman answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Tricky question! So much to do!

      I would put a halt to global warming, saving the future of millions of species. But of course, I can’t do that on my own. Unless everyone takes steps to try and slow down climate change, it’s not looking good for many of the world’s species…poor polar bears 🙁

      More realistically, the work I’m doing at the moment will hopefully help us to understand the problems of non-native animals (non native species are one of the biggest causes of extinctions!)… if I can show how bad they are, then hopefully that will encourage people to STOP introducing non native plants and animals to new places… and so help keep our native species safe for future generations to enjoy!

    • Photo: Edward Codling

      Edward Codling answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      I think if we could eliminate war and fighting so that everyone worked together to solve the problems we face then the world would be a much better place!

    • Photo: Jessica Chu

      Jessica Chu answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Ooo to save the world? well people are suffering from all different things (summarising the above points): like war crimes which include rape (in a report the number of rapes in the republic of congo is on average 1100 a day) and horrible mental and physical diseases that can kill people etc.
      I would like to be able to provide medical care and clean water to people in developing countries. Better education on things like family planning, farming and just educating the younger generation so they can help themselves – a more long term solution than just giving them food for a few months!
      To teach them things like equality so women are not treated as second best to men in some places. I have seen stories where a man divorced his wife because she gave birth to twins and it was seen as bad luck.
      This led to everyone (even her own family) ignoring her in the village and she had to move somewhere else where she re-married and gave birth to another set of twins and the same thing happened again!
