• Question: What do you think is the most venomous creature?

    Asked by highjumper14 to Christine, Edd, Jess, Nicolas, Zara on 18 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Zara Gladman

      Zara Gladman answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      According to this website (I don’t know how reliable it is!), this is a list of the top 5 venomous creatures (with pretty pictures!): http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/offbeat-news/the-worlds-5-most-venomous-species/697 The box jellyish comes out top!

      The most venomous animal I’ve seen is the sea snake. I was snorkelling in Thailand and took a photo of one with my underwater camera… at the time, I didn’t realise it was poisonous! If I had known, I would have been swimming very fast in the opposite direction!! Here’s the photo that I took (not very good quality, it’s the blue and black stripey thing):

      Sea snake venom is eve more toxic than the venom of snakes that live on land!

    • Photo: Edward Codling

      Edward Codling answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      According to this blog
      it is the posion dart frog. The frog’s skin contains a toxic chemcal that sickens or kills any animal that touches or eats it. Two micrograms of this deadly toxin (enough to fit on the head of a pin) will easily kill a human being or other large mammal.

      However, what is interesting is that most of the venomous animals in the world seem to live in or near Australia! Be careful if you go on holiday there! 😉

    • Photo: Jessica Chu

      Jessica Chu answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      Yeah from what I have seen.. and it’s like what Edd has mentioned…
      Phantasmal poison frog belongs to dart frog family and is really dangerous- can kill someone with just one touch! But quite amusing is that the chemical from their skin is also used as painkillers

