• Question: What is the worst case of contaminated land you have seen?

    Asked by millie137 to Christine on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Christine Switzer

      Christine Switzer answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hi Millie!
      Worst case? I’ve seen a few nasties. Most recent is the site where we trialed my remediation technology. They installed sheet piling (12m long sheets of steel) to isolate our test cell. As the JCB bashed the sheet piling into the ground, stinky coal tar oozed up around it. It was brilliant for us — the nastier the better for our technology — but it did not smell nice at all! The smell is a bit road works where they are laying new laid road. That’s an oil tar rather than a coal tar. It’s very different chemically but smells similar. Even though I didn’t touch any of it, I was sent straight to the shower when I got home!

