• Question: What is your opinion on the evolution theory?

    Asked by amychanan to Nicolas, Edd on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Edward Codling

      Edward Codling answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Hi amychanan

      I answered a very similar question on another post (details below). Basically, evolution is definitely happening – we can see it around us and it explains where all the diverse range of species we see have come from. Scientists all agree that evolution is real! There are still lots of things to find out about all the details of how it happens though and there is lots of study in this area.

      (Coied from another post):
      Evolution works when we pass on our genes to the next generation and possible mutations occur at this stage. Hence any animal that reproduces quicker than we do will evolve quicker than us. On the other hand, we are evolving quicker than animals that reproduce slower than us. The other thing that can increase the rate of evolution is environmental pressure. For example, in the Irish Sea cod fishery there is a very high amount of fishing and scientists have seen that the population has changed to mature and breed at an earlier age. This is a consequence of selection – those fish that take too long to mature and breed will be fished before they get a chance – hence only those that grow and breed quickly pass on their genes to the next generation.

      Lots of animals have mutations – these are what causes animals to change and evolve. If a mutation is useful to the animal then that animal is more likely to survive and pass on it’s genes so that the mutation is carried on in the next generation. If the mutation is not useful or a hinderance then the animal may not survive to pass on its genes and the mutation will then be lost from the population.
