• Question: will the world ever end

    Asked by willtidy to Edd, Christine, Jess, Nicolas, Zara on 14 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by zachemborough, liamsandiford, samueleason.
    • Photo: Nicolas Biber

      Nicolas Biber answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      That depends what you call the ‘world’. If you mean the Earth then the answer is yes. Someone already asked this question earlier. Our sun will turn into a red giant and engulf the Earth in the process, this should not happen before several billion years from now though. If you mean our universe … this is a very tricky question. Have you watched that show by Brian Cox ‘Wonders of the Universe’? If I remember it correctly time itself will stop 10^480 or so years from now (that’s a 1 with 480 zeroes). We cannot quite imagine such a number, and we cannot quite imagine what it means when time stops. But one thing is for sure: Non of us will be present to see it.
      They say the ‘world’, the universe began about fifteen billion years ago. Have you ever tried to imagine what was there before that, or what will be there after the universe ends? Or whether the universe is infinite, and if it isn’t what comes beyond it?

    • Photo: Edward Codling

      Edward Codling answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I think I answered this on another question – I can’t really add anything to what Nicolas says here!

    • Photo: Zara Gladman

      Zara Gladman answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Nicolas and Edd have already answered this – but yes, unfortunately the world will end, when the sun dies. Some preachers in the United States people predicted that the world would end this May, but of course they were wrong… lucky eh? 🙂

    • Photo: Jessica Chu

      Jessica Chu answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Yeah agree, Nicolas have took one for the team here 🙂
