• Question: would u come to a school to do as investigation and raise money for your charity

    Asked by narty to Christine on 17 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Christine Switzer

      Christine Switzer answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Hi Narty,
      Thanks for your great questions on the chat earlier!
      I would love to do more work with schools. I am writing a couple of grant applications over the summer that would include summer internships for science teachers and more work in schools. I volunteer as a STEM Ambassador already, but those activities are limited to Glasgow schools. I would like to branch out more. There are a lot of fun environmental science experiments that can help with biology, chemistry and physics teaching. Concepts like biodiversity and ecosystem change are things that can be seen and touched, not just talked about. I wouldn’t go to a school to raise money for a charity. There are better ways of raising money for charities and it’s not right for an outsider to take that sort of thing into a school.

